Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am a lousy blogger, part deux

If there's one thing my father and I have learned throughout this experience, it's that we both seriously lose at (co)writing a blog. I originally thought that by expressing my concerns/doubts/excitement/realizations via The Written Word my training would benefit, but I see now that I never really gave it a chance. So my experiment is as follows: stop avoiding the blogosphere. Honestly, I read enough blogs that I can muster up the dedication to peripherally contribute. At any rate, the marathon is in 9 weeks, so here goes.

First item on the agenda - I am a bit behind on my training schedule. This is due to 2 inextricable factors: 1) My shin injury and 2) My loss of motivation as a result of said injury. The month of August really was a complete bust. While my father was wearily quitting a 30-year habit, I was avoiding the gigantic 803,325,532,234 pound elephant (the marathon) in the room (my head). I replaced my now fluid training schedule with lax eating habits, shorter runs and classic justifications (injuries, expensive gear, work, summertime in New York City - including, but not limited to, frequent outdoor happy hours). I could actually visualize the dedication I worked so hard to mold slowly disintegrate, and I had little desire to reel it back in. This, my friends, is what we call a serious lack of motivation. It got to the point where I resented running and, subsequently, everyone who asked me about it*

Then, August turned to September and I realized how foolish I had been. Through my intensive research I learned innumerable tricks to the marathon training trade: plaster pictures of runners on your wall, be positive, keep your calendar where you can see it, be positive, run with other people, be positive, don't quit, visualize EVERYTHING, be positive, record vivid mental tapes and create a personal mantra, STOP BEING SO CYNICAL, oh - and be positive. I did not follow these rules, so I ran begrudgingly. I finally understood that if I could get so unbelievably fired up over this circus of an election, I certainly could care a little more about my own promise to myself.

So, here I am. A couple of weeks into my re-dedication, if you will, and I am feeling much better. I am doing all the cheesy things I'm supposed to do - yaknow, "being positive" and whatnot, and golly-gee it's working! I ran 10 miles the other weekend and I signed up today for the Queens Half Marathon on Sunday with Amarides. From this point forward it's Marathon City for me...

Additionally, I sincerely thank those who have donated to Citymeals-on-Wheels through the marathon charity program. Amarides and I absolutely chose the right organization with which to spend our time. Many people have given in the past month and I really cannot thank you enough! Our goal is to give $2,500 to Citymeals one week prior to the marathon and you have already helped raise over $1,100. For those of you who live in the NYC area, please keep the weekend of October 10th-13th available! Amarides and I will be hosting a fundraising party. More details to come...


*This comment is not meant to be a slight against anyone who has been interested in my progress - you all remain an encouraging presence in my life. I, of course, am extremely grateful for your support. Please don't give up on me!